(Brazilians need not answer)
Can you guess what this is a map of?
most gays per capita (italians)
it's a map posted by a merdestino subhuman when it needs validation
Regions where white people are majority, mostly germans and italians
No Brazilian answers please
Greater Italy
German settlements?
Or little axis, given the Germans and Japanese there too.
Though I assume the Portuguese are still the majority by ancestry
northern talking about faggots
Northeast has way more faggots per capita.
Province of origin of the most attention whoring posters?
SC is more Italian + German than Portuguese actually
Holy shit, correct!
You can tell the seethe by the literal immediate answer of people larping as OP twice lol
Though I assume the Portuguese are still the majority by ancestry
yes, for most of them
Espirito Santo is literally Little Italy as long as you're anywhere outside the capital/major/coastal cities
When I said most of them I meant the three others that arent Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo
Yes I got what you mean, it's correct, I just wanted to add that
Is the crime rate high there?
The state is actually pretty violent, but if you mean the city in the picture (Santa Teresa), it's probably pretty safe
We must mix italians with asean qties. This is humanity's final form. This is where it happens
Does your state make planes?
Robbery rates in Europe are not particularly low
Though I'm afraid violent crimes are an entirely different beast
I thought in the country side, outside eof big cities things would be calmer
homicides are probably non-existent in cities like in the pic, but the state itself is different
Though I'm afraid violent crimes are an entirely different beast
What do you mean? Being forced to hand over property worth your whole salary or more (like cars) with a gun pointed at your face is a pretty violent crime. If you mean murder, this isn't a thing most people worry about unless they are involved with a gang or they intend to resist robberies
Almost all of that is criminals killing other criminals
Why are italianxs trying to claim Brazil and the rest of latinx americx for their own? Are they mad italian is an irrelevant language?
Italian Brazilians mix with Japanese Brazilians in São Paulo
I'd literally be part of one such couple if I were there...
The other anon talked about robberies but I was referring to murders
but I was referring to murders
We're Italian Brazilian which is Brazilian already so it's not like we have to claim anything in the first place
I went to work at a church yesterday and saw sooo many white people (almost all of them were white). I live in São Paulo's countryside. Being on this site all day made me believe there were no whites in Brazil.
Stop posting fake statistics, idiot.
This information does not exist anywhere in the 2021 PNAD
The Chilean knows. Awful attention whores. Constantly mad because no one cares about them
Boa noite pessoal, peguei esses dados da PNAD continua de 2021 sobre o número de pessoas vítimas de roubo naquele ano, calculei os valores per Capita e montei esse gráfico. Os números incluem roubo de veículo, domicílio e na rua, por ser uma pesquisa domiciliar onde o entrevistado responde se foi roubado ou não nos últimos 12 meses, não sofre distorções por conta de subnotoficações.
Why are they so desesperate for attention? I don't get it. Are they like that in real life?
that's the place that larps as italians/whites but speaks an iberian language
PNAD 2021 does not separate anywhere by State (read both PDF files), so this guy lied and you created a map based on false data
Are you the American on vacation?
italians are swarthy MEDBVLLS not white nordcucks
also i unironically grew up hearing venetian dialect from my grandparents and nowadays i have B1 level italian
+ we dont larp, im brazilian of italian descent and proud, not italian
You can access data separated by state but it's a pain in the ass to navigate their system
I'm pretty sure most robberies here are not violent and least of all at gun point, but pick pockets and general break and entering when people aren't home.
Insanely based, tell them whiteys
that's strange, i didn't realize here in the DF violence was so widespread.
i will check the data, but thank you for explaining and sorry if i was rude.
med unity, latin unity, ROMAN UNITY
was meant for
I once had sex with a girl from belo horizonte. I dont know the lies somewhere in the red areas
no the sex was not that good
It doesnt
Those 5 states make up like 90-95%% of the countries GDP.
if my ancestors had emigrated to Brazil my life would be much better
i hate waking up every day with this thought in mind
dogshit and meaningless statistic. Murder rate is the only thing that matters.
Alright, but Belo Horizonte is the capital city of Minas Gerais. The state that looks like a 1930's nazi caricature of a jew but with a straight nose.