What is even happening in this webm?

What is even happening in this webm?

in your country

grabs hips.webm - 576x1024, 1.35M

girls like that because it feels good, like youre about to fuck her from the back
if youre handsome that is, otherwise prepare your ass for charges

Yeah, in this day and age I'd personally only tap her on the shoulder at most.


If you are not chad.

This except unironically

She likes to be manhandled, but only by chads. If this was an incel, she would have report him for rape.

Women are retarded overgrown kids.that's all you need to know

Honestly what was even the point of the webm? Does she want to bait people into random harassment charges? Or is this ragebait

You think this is a video meant for everyone. It's not. It's meant for women + Chads.

Women see it and think the same: it's great when Chad touches you without your 'consent'. Chad sees is and says 'yeah it kinda happens lol'.
It's not meant for anyone else.

I will now grab the waist of the next pretty lady I see

beb.jpg - 670x1070, 87.88K

She makes a face like she just came, yet this is for women to look at. And many other tiktoks are like this.
It'd be weird if I was looking at men midst climax all day.

It's meant for women + Chads.

everything women do and say is meant for women + attractive men, just like it is with men + attractive women
The same way fat, balding, short incel losers are invisible to women, so are ugly and fat women to men

i thought she makes that kind of face because she is retarded

Women see that webm and reply stuff like

Sophie04: HAHA USSSSSSSSS @Stacy05

Stacy05: @Sophie04 *laughing emoji*

i dont think he was ironic

that one thing, and for more views. todays women dream is to be influencer

so are ugly and fat women to men

Not in 2024, most hogs have loads of options.

i blame Tinder, back in the day fat chicks were going for omega males and niggers

Haha this happened to me twice last night! So awkward..

just put your hand on their face. It signals that they need to move.

chad never questioned whether he could do this

b-back that ass up....

i like when men do this to me.,.,,,,,,,,

horny fantasy

I once did this exact thing with a friend in high school but in complete innocence. She quickly turned back and asked "who did this? was it you?" but in a surprised manner, she wasn't creeped out or annoyed. She seemed to be hiding a smirk and she definitely liked it, lol
Gave me a good confidence boost


One time in sixth grade a kid said "make a fist" then he put his hand over it and said "okay you can't open your hand to you smack...HER butt!" and he pointed at a cute hoeish 8th grader and I just walked up and did it without thinking then. She turned around real quick, scoffed and smiled at me and the other boys watching were like "woooahhhh!" Felt awesome but I didn't talk to her again till like 10 years later when I was a waiter taking her and her niglets order at a restaurant. I should have manned up and given her a white baby right there in the hallway back then

cool trick

its such a shame you can't do this as an adult unless you become chad


Is she talking about her boyfriend or about a ranfom guy?

random CHAD, not just some guy

Who tf grabs other person's waist while Passing through, is this woman retarded?

why can I not find this tiktok anymore

Do you think this would work at my coworker?

she was a slut back then and hasn't changed

if youre good looking you may try, but you need to be in good relations with here beforehand. like eating together, helping each other laughing together etc
its easy to fuck it up and end up as a creep

Well she is not my direct coworker but works on a different floor. But I went to a bar with her and some other coworkers and we joked a lot and I even hugged her

know her better first then do your move after some alcohol if you feel courageous. honestly you need some interpersonal intelligence and to read human behaviour if you wanna pull moves that are risky

dont do this to someone you barely know and like, even if youre a chad. its all about foresight my brothers

You are right!